Monday 23 September 2013

Front Cover Analysis

Front Cover Analysis

   The genre of the magazine is rock. We can see this by the rock artists displayed in the main image, sub image and sub lines.
   the target audience is unisex and is aimed at people aged 12-30.
   the main colour schemes is black white and red as these are harsh and heavy colours that represents the theme of the magazine.
   the photography is of a model (torso to head) and shows a contrast in his face.
   Masthead at the top of the magazine. The masthead is able to be covered by the model as it's a well known magazine so readers can identify it without seeing the full name.
   There are two smaller sub images that are not as big as the main image.
   The celebrity on the main model is looking directly at the reader so this follow magazine conventions.
   The headline is bigger and bolder than the sell lines but smaller than the masthead.
   The barcode, issue number and price is on the front cover.
   There is a strapline but it is covered by the main image as it's a very well known strapline so it doesn't need to be displayed.

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