Wednesday 30 October 2013

music magazine front cover analysis

Genre: Reggae
The genre of the magazine is a reggae. I can tell this because of the title “United Reggae” and the main image is of a reggae artist. Some of the colours also suggests that this is a reggae magazine- “red, yellow and green” these colours symbolises the Rastafarian culture.


The photography is of a famous reggae artist. It is a mid shot so only the head and torso is in the frame.
The model subverts from magazine conventions, he looks away from the camera.
The image looks like it was taken within a controlled environment with artificial lighting and was edited on to a background.
The masthead is on top of the image which may show that the magazine has power over the model.


The main story which is connected with the image is bigger than the other sell lines and is in a box so it stands out more.
It also includes a list of other artists that are featured within the magazine and as well as that it the other sell lines tells us other articles that will appear in the magazine.

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